Research Officer Tayyaba Khurshid successfully completed 2 weeks Workshop organized by the Faculty of Aerospace and Strategic Studies, Air University Islamabad.
She Received shield for being the Best Participant with other two fellows from Punjab University and Air University. The workshop covered diverse topics ranging from South Asia’s Regional Security to Emerging Global Order, Emerging Technologies, Multilateral Arms Control, Maritime Security, Geo-economics, Nuclear Technology, Space and Detterence, Foreign Policy, and Climate Detterence).
The interesting part of workshop was Crisis Simulation conducted by Faraz Haider in which Tayyaba Khurshid represented Iran as a country and devised strategies and policies as Iran’s representative to a well crafted crisis situation between US and Iran.
The speakers of workshop were top notch academicians ( Dr. Zafar Nawaz Jaspal , Professor Wyn Bowen , Dr Adil Sultan (PhD) , Dr. Adam Saud ) policymakers and practioners ( Mr Husham Ahmed UN, Amb Zamir Akram, DG ACDA Brig (R) Zahir Kazmi , Amb AsadMajeed Khan, Amb Abdul Basit) , think tank professionals ( Rear Admiral Faisal Ali Shah , Dr @AneelSalman , Ms. amina khan , Mr. Siddique Humayun ) bringing vast experience into the lectures and discussions during the course of workshop.