Hira Bashir, represented CISSAJK at the National Conference on ‘Revitalizing AJK’s SDG-2030 Roadmap: Pathways to Sustainable Development’ at the University of Azad Jammu and Kashmir The conference aimed to advance …
RO Nazia Sheikh,Tayyaba Khurshid,Shahzad Akram, and ARO Moneeb Mir attended the first Islamabad Non-Proliferation Conference, hosted by SVI at Islamabad on 8-9 October,2024.
Research Officer Tayyaba Khurahid attended the National Conference organized by Strategic Vision Institute on Disruptive Technologies, Warfare and Strategy where young professionals from various think tanks presented their work on …
Syeda Tahreem Bukhari chaired the session at the 42nd Congress of Zoology, representing the Center for International Strategic Studies.
Two Days International Conference organized by Faculty of Aerospace and Strategic Studies and Friedrick Ebert Stiftung
by CISSAJK109 viewsARO Tayyaba Khurshid attended Two Days International Conference organized by Faculty of Aerospace and Strategic Studies and Friedrick Ebert Stiftung on Developing Indigenous South Asian Epistemes for International relations and …
Dr Asma Shakir Khawaja, ED CISSAJK was invited to speak on her book ” Shaking Hands with Clenched Fists” on Tazkarae Kutub at Think Peace Festival on 20th February, 2024.
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