Executive Director Dr Asma Shakir Khawja was interviewed by BBC Urdu on the Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Test ICBM by China. According to her, America’s encirclement of China , particularly the …
launch of book Critical Issues Facing South Asia: Politics, Security and Non-Traditional Challenges
by CISSAJK110 viewsDr. Asma Shakir Khawaja was invited as a Speaker on the launch of book Critical Issues Facing South Asia: Politics, Security and Non-Traditional Challenges organized by ISSI Islamabad. She delivered …
Dr. Asma Shakir Khawaja, Executive Director CISS, AJK, delivered a keynote address on “Future of South Asia: Conflict and Strategic Stability” at a one-day seminar held at the Center for …
Dr. Asma Khawaja, delivered a presentation at a seminar hosted by the National Institute of Maritime Affairs, addressing ‘The Kashmir Dispute: Latest Imperatives and the Way Forward.’ Research Officer Tayyaba …
ED CISSAJK Dr Asma Shakir Khwaja highlighted the plight of Kashmiri people post2019. The role of youth was highlighted to keep the issue of Kashmir alive on. at Seminar on …
Dr. Asma Shakir Khawaja, ED CISSAJK was invited as a Guest of Honor at International Conference on “Global Peace and security : Navigating the Future” organized by Center for South …