The event marked 77 years of independence, a significant milestone in the region’s history. It not only celebrated AJK’s freedom but also reaffirmed the enduring struggle for the liberation of …
CISSAJK organized a roundtable discussion to Commemorate 77th Anniversary of Independence Day on topic titled, ” Forging a Common Pakistani Identity: Need of Unity in Diversity”. Dr Asma Shakir Khawaja, …
CISSAJK organized an Inhouse discussion on ” Challenges to Strategic Stability in the Indian Ocean Region. ARO Tayyaba Khurshid and RO Shahzad Akram presented their thoughts on topic. The great …
The Tri-lateral Security Alliance and its Implications on the Asia Pacific Strategic Landscape
by CISSAJK115 viewsOn September 12, 2023, Associate Research Officer Tayyaba Khurshid, , provided a comprehensive briefing to the research team on the subject of “The Tri-lateral Security Alliance and its Implications on …
Strategic Stability desk presented their policy brief on ‘ Indian Military Modernization: Distant or Viable Dream’ on August 29,2023.
“Nuclear Politics & Strategies, Arms Control & Disarmament, Strategy & Emerging Technologies, New Trends in Warfare” desk arranged an inhouse discussion on “Chandrayaan-3 spacecraft and its Strategic Implication” on August …