Hybrid Seminar on “Brahmos Incident: Lessons for Strategic Stability in South Asia “
by CISSAJK120 viewsCISSAJK organized a Hybrid Seminar on “Brahmos Incident: Lessons for Strategic Stability in South Asia ” on March 12, 2024. Speakers including @dratiaalikazmi, @zafarwafa1977, and @shamsZaman_72 provided insights into crisis management, accountability, and the impact …
ISSAJK organized Hybrid Seminar on ” Balakot to Captivity: Assessing India’s Airstrike fallout” on 28th February 2024.
CISS AJK organized a webinar on the “Inauguration of Ram Mandir: Significance & Way Forward” moderated by Syeda Tahreem Bukhari which underscored the multidimensional impact of this pivotal event in the …
On October 24, 2023, the round table discussion on “Unveiling the Complexities : Narratives on Kashmir Conflict” was successfully organized by joint efforts of CISS AJK and IRS Islamabad team. …
The seminar titled Kashmir Quest for Self-Determinnation convened on October 23,2023 was jointly organized with Jammu and Kashmir Self Determination Movement International (JKSDMI) led by Raja Najabat Hussain Sitara-e-Pakistan. This …
Embarking on September 28, 2023, the pivotal symposium ‘Reforms in Pakistan: Now or Never’ unfolded through the collaborative endeavors of CISS-AJK and the Kashmir Institute of Economics (UAJK). Esteemed scholars …