Minorities’ rights in India & western hypocrisy

by Hira Bashir

GIDEON Rachman wrote in his book “The Age of Strong Man” that “There are some characteristics of strongman leadership that span both democracies and dictatorships and which are very evident in Mod’s India.

The first and most obvious is the encouragement of a cult of personality.A charismatic speaker, Modi in his element addressing large crowds- and very rarely submits to unscripted questions.

As well as stressing his strength in the face of India’s enemies, Modi’s image-makers have carefully cultivated the idea that the Indian leader is a religious and ascetic figure, whose only concern is the good of people”.

He also wrote article in favour of Modi, arguing that “India needs a jolt and Modi is a risk worth taking”.

But Gideon also regretted in this book “The Age of Strong Man” that he supported Modi and felt very bad he couldn’t see the frightening side of him and his policies towards minorities; saying ‘I read those words with some embarrassment’.

The most shocking thing is, despite not providing rights to minorities, Western world supports Modi.

Gideon also stated in this book that “In 2015, President Barak Obama, writing in ‘The Time’ magazine, praised the new Indian Prime Minister as reflecting the ‘dynamism and potential of India’s rise’ ”.

They are supporting a man who could strengthen the authoritarian environment, which is the threat for Liberal World Order; as India is not following any indicator of liberal world order failing in democracy, freedom of speech and right of minorities.

This continuous support for Modi from a Western leader can lead to creation of another Hitler.

Western leaders are just focusing on China, they are not realizing the emerging Hindutva Realism can become a global threat, but after some time they are going to realize they were committing a big mistake.

The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Minorities emphasizes States to protect the existence and identity of minorities without discriminating their identity, religion and any other aspect must be provided to them.

But if we scrutinize the policies of Indian’s current government, we will see the violation of these rights under BJP’s government hate speech and communal violence have risen.

According to Indian’s own Ministry of Home Affairs, approximately 30% rise of communal violence has occurred under BJP government.

For decades, it was perceived that only Muslim minorities are facing discrimination but now even the Christian minorities are also under threat.

The BJP has imposed an increase on the taxes of Christian gatherings and churches.

A judge in High Court over the matter of harassment says “Christian education is highly unsafe for future of children”.

On Christmas, as revellers thronged Kolkata’s fashionable Park Street and St. Paul’s Cathedral held a midnight mass, Modi’s government blocked the Missionaries of Charity, the organization founded by Mother Teresa, to receive foreign funds.

The move follows ongoing government strategy to use the Foreign Contribution Regulation Act to restrict external funding to non-governmental organizations.

In Agra, a group affiliated with BJP, burned effigies of Santa Claus, claiming missionaries were using the holiday to convert others to Christianity.

In the State of Assam, which has Christian minority, Hindu nationalists entered a Presbyterian church and disrupted services.

And, meanwhile, Modi tweets ‘Merry Christmas’. It showed hypocrisy of Modi and strategy of duality which the world should recognize.

—The writer is a Researcher at CISS AJK working on Nuclear Politics & Disarmament, Emerging Technologies and New Trends in Warfare.

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