The expeditious development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in recent decades has changed the strategic dynamics and nature of warfare. Military organisations are working on multifaceted dimensions to ensure security, as AI is one of the most significant technologies changing the character of conflict. This trend is also apparent in South Asia, as the Indian military has actively integrated AI into its defence sector. India’s militarisation of artificial intelligence vividly impacts South Asia’s security dynamics. By applying the security dilemma framework of realism, the paper expounds on the implications of Indian AI militarisation on South Asia’s strategic stability,
specifically Pakistan. Qualitative research methodology is employed to delineate the repercussions of Indian AI militarisation on the security framework of South Asia – a region historically signified by intense security dilemma, stability-instability paradox and multiple wars. Thus, by examining the critical domains of India’s incorporation of AI in its defence sector, this paper unveils the challenges to the security and stability of the South Asian region and puts forth the recommendation that Pakistan should take concrete steps towards the integration of AI in its defence sector by contemplating the discernible security concerns due to Indian AI militarisation.