The looming economic challenges faced by Pakistan in general and AJK in particular demand exploration of additional commercial avenues. Azad Jammu and Kashmir is a habitat for numerous wildlife that …
Abdul Rehman
Bollywood used to honor India’s secular ideals but, since the rise of Narendra Modi, it’s been flooded with the stock of Hindu heroes and Muslim villains. The use of film …
Opinion Articles
Why water is an issue of national security for Pakistan
by Abdul Rehmanby Abdul RehmanPakistan is facing serious problems of water scarcity and the heavy reliance on the country’s agrarian economy is further creating obstacles that exacerbate the security situation of Pakistan. The changing …
Opinion Articles
Pakistan’s Vulnerability to the India’s Ambitious Hydro Projects
by Abdul Rehmanby Abdul RehmanFrom record drought in Europe this summer and destructive floods in Pakistan, water has beentop-of-mind for many this year. Water crises can shake societies, destroy livelihoods, and threaten prosperity for …
Our world is a complex system where the addition of a single new variable can lead to consequences, the breadth of which cannot be predicted by any person or algorithm. …