Team CISS AJK, headed by ED Dr. Asma Khawaja, attended the seminar organized by CISS Islamabad. The seminar was titled “Climate Change Mitigation and Role of Nuclear Energy” and was …
Inhouse Discussions
Environmental Threats and Prospects for Cooperation in South Asia
by CISSAJKby CISSAJKIn-House discussion on “Environmental Threats and Prospects for Cooperation in South Asia,” chaired by ED CISS AJK, Dr. Asma Khawaja.
دہشت گردی فی زمانہ ایسا موضوع ہے جس سے ہرذی شعور شخص واقف ہے۔ عالمی ذرائع ابلاغ میں یہ لفط اس قدر کثرت سے استعمال ہوتا ہے کہ اب یہ …
In-House Discussion conducted by the Kashmir desk on “Pakistan’s Commitment towards Kashmir issue.” Chaired by Ed CISS AJK, Dr. Asma Khawaja and Director Dr. Shahid Hameed.
2 days dissertation workshop, facilitated by Dr. Anita Weiss, was conducted at QAU Islamabad. Research Officer at CISS AJK, Qurat-Ul-Ain attended the workshop. The workshop was a fruitful step forward …
Occasional Lectures
Understanding Extremism and Adopting an all Inclusive Approach Towards Peace Building in Society
by CISSAJKby CISSAJKResearch Officer Syeda Tahreem Bukhari delivered lecture on “Understanding Extremism and adopting an all inclusive approach towards Peace building in society” in 2-days Salamti Fellowship Program on “Empowering Young Voices …
Dr. Asma Khawaja was invited to a roundtable discussion at IRS Islamabad on Dr. Sadia Nasir’s book “Extremism and Counter-Extremism Narratives in Pakistan.” She discussed extremist narratives and counter-narratives and …
Book Talks/Book Launches
KAMAL NAMA” By Ambassador Arif Kamal (Late) Translated by Mujahid Eshai
by CISSAJKby CISSAJKCentre for International Strategic Studies AJK organized a book launch event for “Kamal Nama,”the Urdu version of “Reminiscence of My Wanderings,” written by the late Ambassador Arif Kamal and translated by …
Lectures Participated new
Participation of RO Nazia Sheikh, ARO Hira BAshir and Asst. Librarian Sana Iqbal in Lecture series at IPRI
by CISSAJKby CISSAJKResearch Officer Nazia Sheikh, Associate Research Officer Hira Bashir, and Sana Iqbal Assistant Librarian attended a distinguished lecture series at IPRI. General Zubair Mehmood Hayat, the speaker, provided a thorough …