n 1996, Colin Grey asked a crucial question, where is the theory of space power? In 2020, Bleddyn E. Bowen, in his book War in Space: Strategy, Space Power and …
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There are cracks in the USA-Europe coalition The USA is going through an intriguing historical time where structural requisites engender friction with domestic demands. Internationally, the USA is pursuing multi-spectrum …
by Zohaib Altaf 486 views -
Pakistan is facing many tough challenges and is going through a turbulent time. On the one side, it is facing the scourge of terrorism, and on the other, it is …
by Zohaib Altaf 474 views -
India knows it can’t compete On December 12, the news of the clash between Chinese and Indian soldiers broke. The recent clash happened in the Tawang sector of India’s Arunachal …
by Zohaib Altaf 496 views
Strategic Forecast
Strategic Perspectives (Vol. II No. 1 (2024): Winter 2024)

India’s Evolving Space Militarization and the Security Implications for Pakistan
Abu Hurrairah Abbasi & Saher Liaqat
National Security Implications of Africa’s Demographic Timebomb in the Twenty-First Century
Mercedes F. Scheible
Role of Directed Energy Weapons (DEWs) in Shaping the Future of Warfare in South Asia
Itfa Khurshid