THE Balakot incident took place on February 26, 2019, when the Indian Air Force (IAF) carried out airstrikes in Balakot, Pakistan. The attack was in response to a suicide bombing …
Rimsha Malik
The “battle over data” refers to the ongoing struggle for control and ownership of data, as well as the conflict over how data should be collected, stored, used, and shared. …
Cyber deterrence is the use of threat and defensive strategies to prevent or discourage cyber-attack on a country or organization. The goal of cyber deterrence is to create a disincentive …
Opinion Articles newStrategic Realignments, Politics of Connectivity
Climate-induced destruction and Geneva conference
by Rimsha Malikby Rimsha MalikMORE than $10 billions have been donated to Pakistan at the world’s first donor meeting in Geneva, which was held expressly to aid those affected by the climate-related calamity. This …
Opinion Articles newStrategic Realignments, Politics of Connectivity
Impact of climate change on food security in Pakistan
by Rimsha Malikby Rimsha MalikFOOD security is defined as when all people, at all times, have physical and economic access to sufficient safe and nutritious food that meets their dietary needs and food preferences …
Strategic Realignments, Politics of Connectivity
Coping with the Imminent Recession
by Rimsha Malikby Rimsha MalikWritten By Rimsha MalikAlthough there is no one definition of a recession, it is typically understood to be a significant decline in economic activity that lasts for months or even …
Opinion Articles newStrategic Realignments, Politics of Connectivity
Zero Waste Lifestyles
by Rimsha Malikby Rimsha MalikThe unstable way of life in Pakistan is one of the largest potential contributors to climate change, which has been deemed an existential hazard. Pakistan is not an exception to …
One component of tackling climate change The unstable way of life in Pakistan is one of the largest potential contributors to climate change, which has been deemed an existential hazard. …