The determination of the people in IIOJK (Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir) against Indian Aggression.

On the 5th of August 2023, Dr. Asma Shakir Khawaja, the Executive Director of CISS AJK, appeared on the AJJ News show “DUS with Imran Sultan” as a guest analyst alongside anchor Imran Sultan. They engaged in a discussion concerning the determination of the people in IIOJK (Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir) against Indian aggression. Dr. Khawaja pointed out that the actions taken by Prime Minister Modi have only added complexity to the already protracted Kashmir conflict, as is often the case with such long-standing disputes.


Executive Director Dr. Asma Shakir Khawaja was invited as guest analyst  in the special transmission “Youm-e-Istahsal ” of AJK Television on August 5,2023.During the transmission, she condemned India’s unilateral decision of August 5,2019 on Kashmir special status and highlighted the discriminatory institutional policies of BJP government against Kashmiris. Article 370 revocation is the violation of basic rights of indigenous community and manifest India’s aggressive designs. International community must stand with Kahmir’s right of self determination for resolution of Kashmir dispute and long term stability of south Asian Region.

Discussion on the Illegal and Unilateral Move of India to Revoke Article 370 and 35A

Research Officer Qurat-ul-Ain Shabir participated in the talkshow on AJK TV on August 5,2023. During her appearance she spoke on Youm-e-Istahsal. she discussed on the illegal and unilateral move of India to revoke article 370 and 35A and the increase in human rights violations in IIOJK after August 5,2019.

Bilateral collaboration between India and Sri Lanka

Research Officer Qurat-ul-Ain Shabir was extended an invitation to participate in the Kashmir Today program on AJK TV. During her appearance, she delivered an insightful discourse on the subject of bilateral collaboration between India and Sri Lanka, as well as addressed the complexities surrounding the Manipur Riots.
She further highlighted that India has an inherent structural imbalance where Hindu Brahmins occupy key positions in beaurocracy, civil services, and other government institutions. This imbalance gives rise to discrimination based on religions and caste . This explains the current situation of manipur riots.
The Srilanka and India’s cooperation gives us insight into India’s strategic manoeuvring. In order to ensure its maritime security India is reaching out to the countries located around Indian ocean. This strategy is named as Sagar vision. Also India is now trying to amend strained ties with Srilanka through cooperation in enegery, trade and education sector.

Brutal chapter in the history of IIOJK

On 2nd August 2023, Dr. Asma Shakir Khawaja, the Executive Director of CISS AJK, appeared on the PTV World Show “Newsroom” with anchor Omar Khalid Butt to discuss the events of August 5, 2019, as a brutal chapter in the history of IIOJK. During the interview, she said that there was a strong reaction from the International Community, particularly concerning conflicts in international meetings and organizations, such as debates on the Kashmir issue and Israel. However, over time, the International Community seemed to struggle in sustaining the pressure on India for peaceful plebiscites. Moreover, she added that one significant incident occurred in August 2019 when the Kashmir issue was highlighted as a critical flashpoint for international space and security. Yet, despite this, the International Community has historically failed to hold India accountable for its occupation of Kashmir.
India made promises to address the occupation but failed to follow through, as evident in a recent report stating that around 10,000 Kashmiri women went missing after 2019, with no records of their whereabouts. Furthermore, civil liberties in Kashmir have been severely impacted, with a total internet shutdown for approximately 450 hours in December 2022, the highest number of suspension orders, and countless human rights violations. This data indicates the scale of the struggle faced by the Kashmiri people, with an estimated 900,000 fighting against oppressive measures. In addition, she emphasized that India has made attempts to illegally occupy and reshape the demography of Indian-occupied Kashmir. These measures aimed at eroding Kashmiri culture, language, and religious identity have been ongoing for many years. However, the question remains whether India has truly succeeded in disempowering its Muslim population.

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