Unveiling the Complexities : Narratives on Kashmir Conflict

On October 24, 2023, the round table discussion on “Unveiling the Complexities : Narratives on Kashmir Conflict” was successfully organized by joint efforts of CISS AJK and IRS Islamabad team.

Dr. Asma Khawaja explained the various dimensions of colonial power India.

President IRS Ambassador Nadeem Riyaz highlighted the need of deconstructing the Indian narrative on Kashmir and reconstructing a Pakistani narrative in his concluding remarks at joint session.

Dr. Christopher Snedden- Australian Historian shed light on achievement of peace between two South Asian arch-rivals paving way for resolution of Kashmir dispute.

Amb. Abdul Basit delved into the intricacies of Pakistan policies after revocation of article370 and 35 A by Indian government.

Victoria Schofield shared her insights on Kashmir Conflict highlighting various milestones in the 76 years of protracted Kashmir conflict.

Dr.  Dushka Hussain Saiyid gave her analysis on historical perspective of Kashmir’s Political Complex at joint Roundtable discussion on “Unveiling the Complexities: Narratives on Kashmir Conflict”. on

Kashmir Quest for Self-Determination

The seminar titled Kashmir Quest for Self-Determinnation convened on October 23,2023 was jointly organized with Jammu and Kashmir Self Determination Movement International (JKSDMI) led by Raja Najabat Hussain Sitara-e-Pakistan. This academic endeavor provided a robust platform for a comprehensive exploration of Kashmir’s historical underpinnings, its contemporary conundrums, and the envisioned pathways toward resolution. At its inception, the seminar meticulously dissected the historical antecedents that have woven the intricate fabric of the Kashmir conflict, unravelling the complex interplay of political and societal forces that have sculpted the region’s trajectory to its present state. This historical contextualization served as a vital lens through which the prolonged nature of the conflict and its myriad influences were comprehensively understood.

Central to the seminar’s discourse was a profound analysis of the contemporary landscape in Kashmir, encompassing its political, social, and economic dimensions. Speakers deftly navigated through the myriad challenges confronting the populace, probing into the intricacies of human rights violations, the socio-political ramifications of governmental decisions, and the intricate involvement of international actors in the region’s affairs. As the seminar turned its gaze towards the future, deliberations centered on potential pathways for resolving the Kashmir imbroglio. Discussions revolved around the concept of self-determination, dissecting its legal, ethical, and political ramifications within the Kashmiri context. Perspectives from the aspirations of the Kashmiri populace intertwined with the positions of involved
stakeholders, fostering a nuanced understanding of the issue at hand. Integral to the seminar’s fabric was the active involvement of diverse stakeholders, including governmental dignitaries, global diplomats, erudite scholars, and civil society advocates. This collaborative effort aimed to nurture a rich dialogue encompassing a spectrum of viewpoints, thereby enriching the discourse on the Kashmir issue.

Reforms in Pakistan: Now or Never

Embarking on September 28, 2023, the pivotal symposium ‘Reforms in Pakistan: Now or Never’ unfolded through the collaborative endeavors of CISS-AJK and the Kashmir Institute of Economics (UAJK). Esteemed scholars and policymakers convened, passionately exploring the imperative for sweeping reforms across diverse sectors in Pakistan.

Dr. Nadeem-Ul-Haque, Vice Chancellor of PIDE, delivered a pivotal address at the seminar “Reforms in Pakistan: Now or Never,” stressing the urgency for comprehensive reforms. He emphasized reform in policy-making, especially in education, advocating for skill development to boost employability and national development. Dr. Durr-e-Nayab, PRO Vice Chancellor PIDE and Dr. Kaleem Abbasi, Vice Chancellor UAJK contributed perspectives on economic policies and governance. Dr. Abbasi emphasized the seminar’s role in fostering dialogue and actionable insights, urging collective efforts from academia, government, and civil society. Interactive sessions focused on implementing reforms through best practices, international learning, and tailored solutions to Pakistan’s socio-political landscape.

Latest Advancements in Science & Technology

CISS-AJK had an incredible session with PIEAS (Pakistan Institute of Engineering and Applied Sciences) on the latest advancements in science and technology on May 26, 2023. Research Officers Zohaib Altaf and Shahzad Akram presented on Role of Cyber Security and Emerging Technologies in Nuclear studies.

25 Years of Nuclear Advantages: Empowering Pakistan

CISS AJK conducted a Seminar on ” 25 Years of Nuclear Advantages: Empowering Pakistan”. Prof. Dr M Rafique , Director Advance Studies & Research and Dr. Syed Shujat Bukhari, Assistant Professor Dept. Of Physics attended the Seminar and shared views on “Peaceful applications of Nuclear Technology”. Prof Dr. M Rafique shed light on role of PAEC in utilizing nuclear technology to address challenges in various sectors. He highlighted Pakistan’s progress in security, health, power generation, Agriculture and R&D sector by utilizing nuclear technology and how peaceful pursuit of nuclear technology aligns with Sustainable Development Goals.

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Center for International Strategic Studies AJK, King Abdullah Campus Chatter kalas Muzaffarabad, Azad Jammu and Kashmir