Remembering the Black Day in Jammu and Kashmir's History

CISS AJK successfully hosted an X Space event on October 27, 2023, centered around the theme “Remembering the Black Day in Jammu and Kashmir’s History.” This event was curated to highlight the historical significance of October 27th and facilitate a comprehensive dialogue among participants regarding its implications within the region.
The session was expertly moderated by Research Officer Qurat-ul-Ain, who skillfully guided the discussions, ensuring an insightful exchange of perspectives among attendees. The event fostered an environment conducive to understanding the multifaceted dimensions of this pivotal day in Jammu and Kashmir’s history.
Participants engaged in thought-provoking conversations, delving into the historical, socio-political, and humanitarian aspects surrounding the events of October 27th. The discourse encompassed the significance of this day for the people of Jammu and Kashmir, shedding light on its lasting impact on the region’s trajectory.
This X Space gathering provided a platform for individuals to share diverse viewpoints, fostering a deeper understanding of the historical context and contemporary implications of October 27th in Jammu and Kashmir’s narrative.

India’s Lunar Ambitions : Geopolitical Alignments & Future of Outer Space Treaty

On September 25, 2023, the Emerging Technology and Strategies
team hosted an insightful Twitter Space session focused on the
topic “India’s Lunar Ambitions : Geopolitical Alignments & Future
of Outer Space Treaty.” This event served as a platform for experts
and enthusiasts alike to delve into India’s Lunar Ambitions,
shedding light on its key aspects and implications.
During the Twitter Space, participants discussed the significance
of the Geopolitical Alignments & Future of Outer Space Treaty in
the context of space exploration and international cooperation.

Defending the Nation: Pakistan's Unwavering Spirit

Research team working on “Strategic stability in South Asia” conducted twitter space on topic “Defending the Nation: Pakistan’s Unwavering Spirit” to commemorate Defence day on September 6, 2023 at 11:00 AM

Syed Ali Gillani: life and legacy

Kashmir desk organized a Twitter Space on ” Syed Ali Gillani: life and legacy” to pay tribute to great Kashmiri leader on September 4,2023

Socio-Political and Legal Aspects of the Abrogation of Article 370

Centre for International Strategic Studies (CISSAJK), organized a Twitter Space event on the Subject of Socio-Political and Legal Aspects of the Abrogation of Article 370, on August 5th , 2023.Dr. Shahid Hammed, Director Research, delivered opening remarks while subsequent deliberations were conducted by esteemed guest speakers. The closing remarks were presented by Dr. Asma Shakir Khwaja, Executive Director CISS AJK.Steering the discourse within the Twitter Space was Ali Hamza, Research Officer, serving as the moderator for the event.

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Center for International Strategic Studies AJK, King Abdullah Campus Chatter kalas Muzaffarabad, Azad Jammu and Kashmir