Espionage, or the practice of gathering information covertly, has been around for thousands of years. However, it has evolved significantly over time, particularly with the advent of new technologies that …
Opinion Articles
NUCLEAR Technology remained a significant element in human development. Nuclear technology is revolutionary, and it can be used for beneficial purposes. As most of the technologies, nuclear technology remained a …
Opinion ArticlesStrategic Stability in South Asia
Pakistan: A responsible nuclear state
by Abdul Basitby Abdul BasitOn 15-16 February, the Director General International Atomic Energy Agency, Mr. Rafael Marino Grossi called on Pakistan for two days as an initiative to visit the civil nuclear program apparatus. …
The February 2019 standoff between India and Pakistan was a significant event that highlighted the tensions and challenges that exist in the South Asian region. As, India and Pakistan engaged …
Many states have used nuclear energy worldwide to overcome energy challenges, and Pakistan’s peaceful nuclear programme is a great success. Realizing the true potential of nuclear energy, Pakistan developed a …
Cryptocurrency governance refers to the process by which decisions are made regarding the rules, policies, and direction of a particular cryptocurrency network. Since cryptocurrencies are decentralized and do not have …
THE Balakot incident took place on February 26, 2019, when the Indian Air Force (IAF) carried out airstrikes in Balakot, Pakistan. The attack was in response to a suicide bombing …
Fusion power is a sultrily debated topic in the pursuit of cleaner energy. Recently, it gained renewed attention due to the climate crisis. Fusion energy is engendered when atomic nuclei …
The looming economic challenges faced by Pakistan in general and AJK in particular demand exploration of additional commercial avenues. Azad Jammu and Kashmir is a habitat for numerous wildlife that …
Opinion Articles
Exigency of Kashmir Studies: An Analysis of the Curriculum of Secondary School Certificate (SSC) and Higher Secondary School Certificate (HSSC) in Azad Jammu and Kashmir
Those nations, who forget their history and culture, are doomed to vanish. Preservation of history and culture as their identity is the core responsibility of the nations. The history of …